Home Insurance Broker (Home and Property Insurance in Canada)

Getting the right auto insurance is the best way to protect your assets.
You must have adequate auto insurance coverage for all of your needs, since in the worst times, you may need it.
At Vieira Insurance, we specialize in helping people find affordable auto insurance policies and premiums.
Personal Auto Insurance
Personal auto insurance, also known as P&C or personal liability coverage, protects you and your family from financial loss if someone’s negligence causes an accident.
It covers the cost of medical expenses for yourself and others involved in the crash; it can even cover lost wages if you get injured.
Commercial Auto Insurance
Commercial auto insurance protects against physical damage to a commercial vehicle such as a truck, van, bus, trailer, or other equipment used for business purposes.
This insurance typically includes coverage for the driver, passengers, and cargo.
Fleet Insurance
Fleet insurance is a type of business insurance that covers the vehicles used by your business.
It can be purchased separately from your general liability and property insurance policies or as an add-on to your commercial insurance policy.
Why do you need car insurance?
By law, if you own a car in Canada, you must have auto insurance coverage.
Car insurance covers the owner/driver, passengers, pedestrians, and property damaged involved in a vehicle collision or accident.
Think of an insurance policy as a future investment. Protect yourself from the cost of having to repair or replace your vehicle if it’s damaged or in an accident.
Plus, auto insurance covers the cost if you cause damage or injuries to other people while driving. Car and road accidents happen, even to good drivers.
What does car insurance cover in Canada?
Car insurance rates vary by province in Canada. You need to have certain coverages, but some additional coverages increase your level of coverage.
You can manage your auto insurance policy and the optional coverage options you choose through an online portal.
Reminder, it’s important to review your policy so you understand what’s covered under your insurance plan and what isn’t.
Factors that impact your car insurance rates
Insurance rates are complex and involve many different factors that affect your auto insurance premium.
Here are seven factors an auto insurance provider will consider when quoting you for a personal car insurance policy.
- Driver demographics
- Where you live
- Vehicle type
- Driving history
- Driving activity
- Type of insurance coverage
- Applicable discounts
A car insurance company will use the information you provide in the form to determine your risk potential and calculate an individualized rate.
Some factors are out of your hands, but there are still some for which you are completely in charge. Being aware of the current trends could help you save money on your car insurance.
Vieira & Associates Insurance Brokers will help you find the right auto insurance and educate you on the factors that affect your rates.
Required auto insurance coverages
The following coverages (including collision coverage) are included on every standard automobile insurance policy in Canada.
These are government mandated coverage standards that every insurer must follow when creating insurance products for Canadian drivers.
- Third-party liability protects you financially if you injure someone else or damage their car or their property. The minimum investment is $200,000. Most people default to $1M, and you can upgrade for $2M.
- Accident benefits provide you and anyone injured with insurance for any medical and rehabilitation expenses resulting from an accident. It also helps cover lost income if you’re unable to work.
- Direct compensation property damage (DCPD) is when you only ever deal with your insurance company for damages and are available in the private insurance provinces.
- Uninsured auto is when you’re involved in an accident where the driver at fault doesn’t have insurance, you can still file a claim through your insurance provider.
Most Canadian drivers choose to customize their auto insurance policies beyond the province’s mandatory minimum coverage requirements.
Recommended and Optional Car Insurance Coverage Additions
These coverage add-ons are highly recommended and popular additions to any auto policy. They help to protect vehicles from the most severe damage.
- Collision insurance is used when you are at fault for an accident and must pay to repair or replace damaged parts of your vehicle.
- Comprehensive insurance is used to protect when you park your car and have damage done to your vehicle when it was parked, including vandalism, burglary, flood, fire, or a tree falling on top of it.
- Specific Perils is when you want to insure against a specific risk (i. e. peril), such as lightning or flood. But you don’t want to pay full price for all the risks under a comprehensive policy.
- All perils combine collision and comprehensive insurance but also give you coverage for theft by someone you know, like your mechanic or a relative.
Popular auto insurance endorsements
Each province has endorsements for services available through the government and can be activated by your insurance provider.
They’re called OPCFs in Ontario, QECFs in Quebec, and SEFs in Alberta and Atlantic Canada.
Here are some common car insurance endorsements:
- Suspension of coverage (SEF/QEF/OPCF16)
- Don’t want to spend too much time driving? Want to save some money? With this endorsement, you can put your car insurance policy on hold.
- Loss of use coverage (SEF/QEF/OPCF20)
- If you have an auto insurance claim that causes your car to be taken to the repair shop, this policy covers a rental car so you don’t have to sit around waiting for your car to get fixed.
- Coverage for damage to non-owned automobile(s) (SEF/QEF/OPCF27)
- Most people consider this rental car coverage because it extends their existing insurance to a non-owned car, like a rental car or a friend’s car.
- Accident forgiveness or Accident Protection (SEF/QEF/OPCF39)
- It protects your driving record or abstract for your first at-fault accident that would otherwise raise your rates.
- Remove depreciation deduction (SEF/QEF/OPCF43)
- Your car loses its value immediately after you drive it off the dealership’s lot. If your car is a complete loss, your insurance company will cover the actual cash value of your car, which will be less than if you bought it brand new.
Make sure to review all coverage options available to you before finalizing your policy. We’ll compare car insurance quotes from different companies and then connect you with an auto insurance broker who can finalize the details and go over any questions that you may have.
How car insurance coverage works (by province)
Insurance is required by law in every province and territory of Canada. However, there are some differences depending on where you’re located, and car insurance rates differ greatly from one place to another.
You can buy car insurance in most parts of Canada, but in British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan you can get it through the provincial government. Quebec has its own set of rules for auto accidents involving public entities. Private insurance companies cover property damage.
Most provinces operate under a no-fault insurance system. If you’re no-fault, you only ever deal with the insurance company for your car accident, not that you can never be found at fault. British Columbia will adopt no-fault in 2021, while Alberta is currently debating whether to follow suit.
If you’re driving in Saskatchewan, the default is not to be at fault, but you can opt to be covered by tort insurance which allows you to sue for damages.
Here, we go through all the mandatory coverages you need to consider when buying car insurance and all the optional coverages you may want to consider.
How much is car insurance across Canada?
The cost of car insurance varies from province to province. It’s important to shop around and compare rates before signing up for a policy, as the price you pay depends on your driving record and other factors.
Do you get the best price for your car insurance?
If you’re looking to save money on your car insurance, it pays to shop around. You can do this by comparing quotes from different companies and selecting the one that offers the best deal for your needs.
How to get cheap car insurance in Canada
Car Insurance Cheap Car Insurance In Canada. Get the best deal on your auto insurance policy with our free online comparison tool. Compare quotes from the top insurer and save up to 75% off your premium!
Start saving on your car insurance today
Don’t wait for renewal to take advantage of a better price. Vieira Insurance offers the best deals for your auto insurance in Canada.
Frequently asked questions about car insurance
The following are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding auto insurance.
Why are my car insurance quotes so high?
There are many factors that go into calculating your car insurance rate. If you’re a male and young, you are statistically at greater risk of having an accident and your rates will reflect that. Other high-risk factors include your driving record, living in a densely-populated city, and the amount of car insurance fraud in a specific area has a negative effect on your auto insurance rate
How do I find the cheapest auto insurance rates?
There are various ways to get cheap car insurance, including bundling auto insurance and home insurance, driving fewer miles, paying annually rather than monthly, and simply asking about discounts when applying for coverage.
The best way to find cheap car insurance is to look at several different companies’ rates and then choose the one that offers the lowest rate. Once you’ve selected your best rate, we’ll contact a car insurance broker who will help you lock in your rate with your insurance company.
Is auto insurance different between provinces?
Yes, each province is different. Some provinces have mandatory coverages, some don’t, and your rates vary from province to province. You can view average annual insurance rates for different provinces to see the pricing differences.## Inputs Government-provided auto insurance programs exist in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario.
All provinces except Quebec have private car insurance markets, but Quebec has a special system for drivers who live outside of the province. Quebec is a hybrid insurance system, where the government sets out the rules for personal injuries and the private sector covers the rest.
What do I need to get car insurance in Canada?
To get car insurance in Canada, here’s what you need:
- You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Valid driver’s license
- Have not been convicted of auto insurance fraud within the past 10 years.
- The car/vehicle must be for private use
If you’re high risk, you might need to use the Facility Associations to get coverage through a standard insurer
Remember, honesty is always the best policy. If you want to avoid having your claim denied or your insurance canceled, don’t lie about where you live, or about any modifications to your car, or anything else.
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
It depends on many factors including your age, driving experience, and coverage options. To get the cheapest car insurance, compare car insurance quotes online.
Is car insurance in Canada mandatory?
To drive a car, yes, you must have insurance. You can own a car without having auto insurance, but you can’t drive it.
If you don’t have car insurance, you could face serious consequences including fines, license suspension, or having your vehicle impounded.
If convicted, it will be extremely difficult for you to obtain insurance at a low cost in the future.
If you get into an accident and don’t have insurance, you’ll be responsible for paying for all the damages and the recovery costs for any injured people.